Walks I have done

These are the walks that I have done while trying to climb all of the Wainwrights. Click on a walk to fly/zoom to it on the map.


These are all of the Wainwrights (coloured by book) on the map, showing whether completed or not. Hover over the name to locate on map or click to zoom/fly to. Toggle visibility on map using checkboxes.

Miles' Wainwright map

I've always loved the Lake District. It's probably my favourite place in the UK (although I do also have a soft spot for the Yorkshire Dales as the caves there are fantastic and I have spent a lot of time above and below ground).
Years ago I came across the Pictorial Guides to the Lakeland Fells by Alfred Wainwright and thought that they were a work of art. AW described them "as a 'love letter' to the Lakeland fells" and I can see why. They are beautiful and I can't begin to imagine how much effort was required to write them.

Over the years I have walked up lots of the Lakeland fells but you always end up doing the "popular" fells again and again. I have lost count how many times I have been in the Langdale Pikes or walked up Helvellyn.
When smart phones and watches came along with apps like Strava that were able to record your route, I thought it would be great fun to complete all of the Wainwrights with a record of all the walks on Strava.

In 2018 I started the journey. It didn't matter if I had been up Helvellyn before. If I didn't have proof that I had done it on Strava, it didn't exist. Then of course everything turned upside down with Covid-19 and everything was put on hold...

Eventually the world came back to normality and I could start in earnest. I started trying to keep a record of which Wainwrights I had completed and how to go about tackling them.
I got a great book Peak Bagging: Wainwrights which helped but it quickly became apparent that it would be both useful and fun to be able to see the progress on a map as I was doing it.

I write engineering software for my day job but know very little about developing web software. I registered a domain name, started playing around and you are now looking at my work in progress...